It's almost the end of the year, so I thought I would post one last time about it in 2011. {I say in 2011 because I plan on continuing this next year, and I think I will actually keep track to see if I can send out 52 letters!}
This will be my 15th post on this challenge, which is a little sad because I wanted to update once a week or so, but at least I may have averaged one post a month. Anyway, I have no idea if I actually posted 52 letters but I do know one thing. I wrote all year. All year long I wrote either to my friend and penpal Lydia, or other random friends. Some friends from grad. school received letters. Friends from high school got letters. My grandparents, sister and aunts got letters. Even The Non-Consumer Advocate got a letter. (She may have gotten two, I'm not sure)
I'm proud of myself because I sat down and wrote all year long. Did I write one letter a week? Probably not. There were probably months where all I did was write one letter. However, there were also weeks where I sat down and sent out 3 or 4. It all evened out in the end, and I'm happy to say that I think this challenge was a success.
Last week I was surprised with a letter in the mail from an old high school friend. I had forgotten that I'd written to her earlier in November, so the return letter was a lovely surprise. She wrote, "You are the only person in my life who understands how wonderful receiving a letter is."
Yes, I'd call this challenge a success in my book.
So thank you to The Non-Consumer Advocate for starting this challenge, and here's to another year of letter writing!
Who doesn't love a good giveaway?? I'm giving away a pair of earrings right here!