Thursday, October 13, 2011

52 Letter project

I'm deviating from the 30 Day project I'm doing just to change things up for you and me both!

Are you working on writing one letter a week? How are you doing? Me? I'm doing alright. I typically write letters to my friend Lydia, but I've been trying hard to find different people to write to. Since I last updated about this project, I wrote a few letters. I asked friends on Twitter who would like a letter, and had a few responses. So I wrote to The Non Consumer Advocate, whom I admire for her, well, non consumerism! I can't remember exactly, but I think I wrote a letter to my friend Elizabeth, too.

I picked up a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth for $.25 at the thrift store and sent it to Geoff's aunt and cousin, both of whom I know will enjoy it. They got an old postcard along with this book, which was from Geoff's grandmother's collection. The package was mailed in a reused envelope, so I do believe this was a very green package! That makes me happy.

I also wrote a thank you letter to Geoff's aunt, for a birthday present she sent me. It was a set of cards with a girl pulling a wagon full of books, and reading one, too! There are also cats following her. I thought it was wonderful, and it was from an ALA conference, which meant the proceeds benefited libraries. This made me happy too. I wrote the thank you note on one of the cards, of course.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe those are all the letters I wrote (aside from my regular letters to Lydia, my pen pal). I know I'm not keeping up with writing 52 this year, but that's OK. I don't mind that I'm not perfect, and the truth is I'm writing, and that's what really counts.

How are you doing?

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