Our garden looks a little funny these days.
We recently bought a set of wall o waters
It's been a really rough spring and early summer for tomatoes. I doubted that we could actually grow tomatoes in our garden, but Geoff insisted on trying, so we are. Unfortunately, we already lost one. We've been talking about getting the wall o waters for a bit, but finally bit the bullet and did it.
Basically you set them up around your plants and fill the tubes 3/4 of the way full with water. Then they make a tee-pee (is that a PC term anymore??) and act as a greenhouse for the plants. I am here to attest that they actually work! Our plants are doing much better (we actually have 6, but they arrived in 2 different packages and I was too lazy to take more pictures.
After the plants have grown sufficiently and are starting to poke through the top, you fill the tubes all the way and they stand up, still acting like a greenhouse although not nearly as enclosed. It's been less than a week and our plants are not only flourishing, but we needed to open up one of the wall o waters already! I'm happy, and hopefully we will have tomatoes this summer!
But I think next summer we should put them up right away. Maybe we wouldn't have a casualty this time!
What do you think?