This week I'm so so grateful that it is already Wednesday, and that I have a half day tomorrow!
Even better, the first part of tomorrow's half day is going to be taken up with training for a new program we are using at my job. That means 2 hours out of the office! The change of scenery is going to be nice.
I'm grateful for my grandmother's ornaments that she sent us this year! I love having special ornaments on our tree not just a "theme" tree like we have had in the past. I'm excited to put up ornaments from both our childhoods on our tree!
I'm grateful that I'm finally being trusted to stay alone at work. Granted, it's a very very slow week, but still! I am being left alone to do my work and I am improving (I think!)
I'm grateful that tomorrow night Geoff and I will exchange our presents for each other! I'll admit it, I'm very excited to see what he got me, but also excited to see him open MY gift for him!
I was reminded again this past weekend how lucky Geoff and I were this year, so I am very grateful that we have a house, that we own it (or at least a small portion of it!) and that we can make our payments on it without worrying too much every month. Right now, there are so many people who will not be able to say that, this Christmas. I want to remember that when we're having bacon and eggs for dinner because it's cheap. We have so much, compared to many around us.
Finally, I am grateful for two kitties who curl up with us in bed and while we are watching TV. They are so soft and cuddly and they make our evenings fun!