Last year I undertook a 52 letter challenge...a challenge to write 52 letters (a letter a week) in 2011. While I'm not sure I made it to 52 letters, I did write a lot, and got a lot of letters back. The problem? What to do with the pile of letters I received in the past year?
Some may suggest that I throw them out. Many of them are, after all, mundane. They talk about what's going on in the lives of the friends or family who wrote to me. Even so, I just can't bring myself to just throw them out. I think it goes back to high school.
When I was in high school, my best friend Laura and I wrote letters to each other in class. They were nothing, really. This class is boring, or a rehashing of private jokes we had with each other. They were full of illustrations; stick figures reenacting silly scenes that we had previously laughed at. They are a snapshot of our lives, and I can't bring myself to get rid of them. As a result, they are in a hatbox, at my parent's house. I haven't read them in ages, but the next time I'm back home I'm going to pull them all together and read them. Then I'm going to take them back home.
Anyway, back to my letters from 2011. I don't know what to do with them. I need ideas! One that I've toyed with is punching holes and putting a couple rings on them, so they're like a little notebook.
What about you? Do you have letters hanging around? What do you do with them?