Back in January I put together a house list of things I wanted to accomplish this year. Now that it's almost the end of the year, I think it's time to post an update.
Living room:
Hang a wedding picture on the wall
I hung a canvas print in the family room, and two prints in our living room!Hang and decorate with frame shadow boxes- I did hang these in the bedroom, and there are a few things on them!
- Get a new rug
- I decided to take the rug we had in there out, for now. I may get a rug at a later time, but I'm still undecided.
Hang the mirror (a gift that I haven't gotten around to hanging up yet)- Done!
Get 2 chairs and get rid of the Freecycle couch- Done!
Get a small coffee table- Done! You can see my whole living room in this post.
Replace switch plate covers- I posted about that right here!
Get a new dining room table- This is not feasible right now, based on the space we have so I'm putting this off until later when I decide how to proceed.
Find a nicer way to store our plastic to-go containers (please tell me I'm not the only one who battles with this!!)- For the time being, they are going to remain where they are. For now, it works!
- Fix screen door
- Stain deck (OK, this is outside, but it's off the kitchen, so that counts!)
- This didn't happen this year, for a variety of reasons, but I'm hoping for next summer!
- Get his and her recliners and a couch
- We are actively saving for this!
- Sell/get rid of Freecycle sectional (seeing a pattern here?)
- This will happen after we buy the recliners, of course.
- Hang Dark Side of the Moon poster (it needs to be's kinda a pain to hang, but it needs to be done!)
- Decided not to do this, but I have yet to find some place to put it.
- Replace switch plate covers
- Fix weather stripping on the door to the garage
- I have no idea why this didn't get done, because it's a simple task.
Replace door to garage? (I'm not sure if we want to or need to do this, but it has a doggie door that we don't use, so a new one might be nice)- Since the current one works fine, I'm not stressing about this right now.
- Find better curtains
- Done! By the way, the whole house is curtained now! (A whole curtain post coming eventually)
Master bedroom:
- Hang something above the bed (we have a big, empty wall!)
- No. I don't know what to put there!
Sand and refinish my bedside table- Build a stand for the TV and DVD player
- Nope.
- Repair and rehang broken frame
- Nope. I forgot about this until now. Oops.
Mount speakers on the wall- We decided to sell these instead!
Find a desk with more storage- Thank you Craigslist! They even delivered!
Sell the desk we currently have- Again, Craigslist!
- Organize!!!
- I actually try to avoid the office, so no, this didn't happen.
Guest room:
- Find a small mirror or full length mirror to hang
- Not yet.
- Replace or paint dresser
- Not done. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with that.
- Spray paint bed frame white
- I'm determined to do this before the winter is out!
So, I didn't get all the things I want to get done this year. I definitely have my work cut out for me in 2012, but that's OK, because we're planning on being in this house for a long time, so I have time!
What do you think? Do you have goals for the year that you accomplished, or didn't accomplish, as the case may be?
By the way, I'm sponsoring another giveaway, so go here and enter to win a pair of earrings from my Etsy shop!
By the way, I'm sponsoring another giveaway, so go here and enter to win a pair of earrings from my Etsy shop!