Last month I talked about what to do with all the letters I'd accumulated while taking part in the 52 Letter Challenge. After browsing Pinterest a little, I finally came up with an idea on my own, since I didn't particularly like any of the ideas I found there.
Starting with the postcards I got from Postcrossing over the past few years and from friend's travels, I punched a hole in them all and put them on a ring. They aren't in any particular order (except by general size), but I love the way they look all spread out. I put them on the "window" we have between the den and kitchen, and I like the idea of having them on display.
Similarly I punched two holes in my letters and cards, put them on two rings, and viola! They're all together in one neat place. These are all the letters I received in 2011. Since they're a little more personal, I'm choosing to keep them in a box in my room, but I really like the idea of having all my letters from that year put together. I still need to do the same with the letters from 2010.
What do you think of my creative idea?