Oh 2011, where are you going so quickly?? This is really freaking me out a bit, because I have a few personal goals that I've been working on with the hopes of completing at the end of the year, and I'm nowhere near ready for December to come!
Anyway, as per usual, I'm setting goals this month!
1. "Balance" our checkbook weekly. (I need to explain. Geoff and I have started sitting down on Fridays, after payday, and looking at our upcoming expenses, subtracting those and leaving a $200 buffer in our checking account, to see how much money we have to spend for the week. So far, this has worked out really well)
2. Sell $30 worth of stuff on Ebay (My new decluttering friend! This money all goes straight into furniture fund!)
3. Apply to 4 jobs (as usual)
4. Vacuum, sweep and mop the kitchen and sweep and mop the bathroom weekly (It needs to be done. Yes I'm embarrassed. Stop judging)
5. Paint the guest room bed white (this is part of the house list for this year. See what I mean about the year sneaking up on me?)
6. Eat out no more than twice a week. (A definite money suck for us, though we've been getting better!)
Are you setting goals this month? What are your goals?